Introducing aNote

We are thrilled to introduce aNote - a revolutionary way to approach data that puts the focus back on client services and moves the data capture for reporting to a simple, intuitive process that breaks away completely from the old way of doing things. No more forms to fill in, just enter your notes and aNote does the rest.

HCA is all about delivering superior tools to the Salesforce® ecosystem, particularly for nonprofits. We’re here to solve technology problems in a generalized, scalable way that legitimately provides unique value at an affordable cost.



RollCall was designed for and with organizations that provide structured courses in non-school environments, like job training, adult education, and after-school programs. RollCall manages all of the scheduling and attendance data while providing a simple interface for teachers or volunteers. It works in Communities and EDA and is available on the AppExchange.

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Ever wanted to put a totally different branding or style on top of your powerful Salesforce® engine but don’t want to learn the ever-changing Salesforce developer toolkit or pay a fortune for a programmer tool? Framework lets you put a totally custom UI on top of — or integrated into— any Salesforce® environment without any programer expertise at all.

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aNote uses our flagship Framework infrastructure to present a radically simplified way to manage human services data. Just type in your notes and let the aNote tagging capture and store reportable, structured data in real time. No AI, no custom code, just clean and simple screens that direct services personnel love.

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About Us

The HCA team are part of the consulting group at our sister company Deep Why Design. We stay directly in touch with nonprofit needs and are constantly improving the HCA toolkit based on real-world experience.


HCA builds tools that let you envision your Salesforce® universe in exactly the way you want it, without ever touching any code.